Monday, October 27, 2008

The Dream Team

The new President, with all the problems facing America and the world is going to have his hands full. The problems are as diverse as tackling climate change, fixing the economy, protecting American interests abroad, combating terrorism and a plethora of domestic issues. Regardless of who wins the up coming Presidential election he is going to need a good, strong, effective Cabinet to deal with these issues. Here are my picks.

Secretary of State: Bill Clinton; it is kind of a long shot and might be some what unlikely that he would accept the job, but the former President is one of the most highly respected Americans abroad. He also has the where withall to undo the negative energy that America has garnered in the past eight years.

Secretary of Defense: Robert Gates; he is a keeper, stay with the current civilian leadership of the military. He has provided effective independent advice to the President while still listening to the advice from the military chiefs.

Secretary of Treasury: Micheal Bloomber; the mayor of New York has had lots of experience as a corporate leader, financial expert, government coordinator and has the strength to pull the shaken economy back in order.

Director of National Intelligence: Jamie Gorelick; an investigative lawyer and former 9/11 Commission Member, would serve the intelligence community well.

National Security Advisor: General Wesley Clark; he would bring a good mix of experience and academic knowledge to the job. Having Sarah Rice as his deputy would fill in his knowledge gaps and help focus on areas that have been neglected in past administrations.

A new Cabinet position should be created as well; this position would highlight the increasing importance of the environment and energy. The Secretary of the Environment and Energy: Arnold Schwarzenegger; has shown great resolve at getting the job down on environmental issues, and can help America lead the way on environmental issues.

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